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Food Aversions
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Hungry Jack
Prepared Food  "Hungry Jack" Aversion Count
Hungry Jack Cheesy Hashbrown Potatoes 30
Hungry Jack Creamy Scalloped Potatoes 19
Hungry Jack Hashbrown Potatoes 30
Hungry Jack Hashbrown Potatoes Made With 100% Real Potatoes, Black Pepper & Onions 15
Hungry Jack Hearty Baked Mashed Potatoes 46
Hungry Jack Imitation Bacon Potatoes, Cheddar & Bacon 50
Hungry Jack Mashed Potatoes 29
Hungry Jack Mashed Potatoes Made With 100% Real Potatoes 8
Hungry Jack Mashed Potatoes Made With 100% Real Potatoes! 8
Hungry Jack Potatoes 16
Hungry Jack Redskin & Gold Mashed Potatoes 4
Hungry Jack Redskin & Gold Mashed Potatoes Made With 100% Real Potatoes 4