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Food Aversions
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Confectionery / Candy  "Mi-del" Aversion Count
Mi-del Arrowroot Cookies 14
Mi-del Candy Cane Cremes Cookies 16
Mi-del Chocolate Caramel Bite Size Cookies 13
Mi-del Chocolate Chip Cookies 18
Mi-del Cookies 9
Mi-del Ginger Snap 11
Mi-del Ginger Snaps, Swedish Style 12
Mi-del Gingerbread Men 8
Mi-del Gingerbread Men, Limited Edition Cookies 11
Mi-del Gluten-free All Natural S'mores, Chocolate Graham Cookies With Marshmallows 18
Mi-del Gluten-free Chocolate Sandwich Cookies 15
Mi-del S'mores, Chocolate Graham Cookies With Marshmallows 16
Mi-del Swedish Style Chocolate Snaps 6
Mi-del Swedish Style Ginger Snaps 6
Mi-del Swedish Style Ginger Snaps, Ginger 8
Mi-del Swedish Style Lemon Snaps 7
Mi-del Swedish Style Vanilla Snaps 5